Editorial Team


Journal «Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL»

series «International relations and regional studies»

Chief Editor

Kunanbayeva S.S., Rector of Ablai khan university of international relations and world languages, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of NAS of the RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Web of Science Core Collection – 3 articles, h-index 1; Scopus – 8 articles, h-index 2)

 Executive Editor

Shaymоrdanova Z.D., d.of hist. sc., professor, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Web of Science Core Collection – 1 article, h-index 1)

 Editorial team members

Hallez X., PhD, EHESS, Paris, France

Antonio Alonso Marcos, PhD, Professor, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain

Arenova A.A., Chief of political group, Representation of MFA of the RK in Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Baysultanova K.Sh., cand. of polit.sc., professor, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Scopus – 3 article, h-index 1)

Hesse R., Dr. of philosopy, Habilit. Prof. of Pol/ sciences, Freiburg University, Germany

Dronzina T., Doctor habil, Professor, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria (Scopus – 1 articles, h-index 1)

Zhabina Zh. R., D. of polit.sc., associate professor, International Cooperation Department, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan -  Elbassy, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Zirker D., PhD,  Waikato University, New Zealand (Web of Science Core Collection – 2 articles, h-index 1; Scopus – 29 articles, h-index 6)

Issayeva M., PhD, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan, Turkey

McClennen S., PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (Web of Science Core Collection – 2 articles, h-index 1; Scopus – 30 articles, h-index 5)

Raychev Y., PhD, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Semedov S.A., D. of Philosophy, Professor, Institute of Management and Regional Development, RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Horak S., PhD, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Web of Science Core Collection – 3articles, h-index 2; Scopus – 15 articles, h-index 6)

Shukyzhanova A., PhD, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Scopus – 2 articles)

Demirci Sadat, PhD, Faculty оf Economics And Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations, Karatekin University, Çankırı, (Chankyry, Turkey)

 Salvador Sanchez Tapia, PhD, Professor of Navarra University, Institute for Culture and Society, Pamplona, Spain

Commissioning editor

Baibugunov B.A., PhD, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Almaty, Kazakhstan

 Among the editorial board members more than 56 percent have publications in international databases and 31 percent have an h-index 2 or more.

 ISSN 2411-8753 (Print)

ISSN 2710-3633 (Online)