
  • *1Aubakirova A.K 1сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL
  • Muktarov E.S2 2master student Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL




drilling, well, compressor, document, market, field


The main purpose of the article is to study the linguistic, structural and functional features of the oil and gas industry in the material of English and Kazakh languages, methods of term formation of terms. The article also provides research on the role of the oil and gas industry in the world and Kazakhstan. The main direction of this project is to show the linguistic features of translating texts used in the oil and gas industry from Kazakh/Russian to English and from English to Kazakh/Russian, taking into account the global nature of relations between countries, its impact on world languages and the types of texts used on this topic. In addition, I set the task to highlight the difficulties encountered in translating texts from Kazakh/Russian to English from English to Kazakh/Russian.

         One of the most common types of special translation is technical translation. Technical translation is a translation that is used to exchange Special Scientific and technical information between people who speak different languages. In a simplified approach, technical translation is understood as the translation of technical texts.

         Thus, one of the most difficult areas of technical translation is the translation of texts of the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry is one of the leading sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan, which contributes to the promotion of international cooperation. Kazakhstan's companies are gradually moving west from domestic technical developments in the oil and gas sector. This is the need for new reliable equipment for oil drilling in the harsh and extreme climate conditions of our country.

         The chemical, oil production and refining industries in the petroleum industry are one of the leading sectors of the world economy that ensure the well - being of citizens of many states, as well as help in the spheres of human activity that have a significant impact on international relations. Interaction of domestic industrialists with foreign suppliers of modern equipment and technologies plays an important role in the development and successful operation of this complex in the future. Therefore, when working with translations in the oil and gas industry, it is necessary to pay attention to certain features.



How to Cite

*1Аубакирова А.К, & 2Мұқтаров Е.С. (2021). OIL AND GAS: ASPECTS OF TERMINOLOGY TRANSLATION . BULLETIN of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL Series “International Relations and Regional Studies”, 45(3). https://doi.org/10.48371/ISMO.2021.45.3.009


