
  • Aitimbet L.I. The Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
  • Jaksybai A. The Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages



cultural code of the economy, social doctrines, “masculinity” - “femininity”, the law of economic success, power distance, avoidance of uncertainty, long-term orientation, level of public trust


The article examines the cultural code of the economy of Kazakhstan. For Kazakh science, sociocultural economics is an unexplored area. Each country has its own cultural code, formed under the influence of various factors from religion, science, history, technological advancement of society, climate, location, etc. With the development of industrialized societies and the development of science, new approaches and criteria for assessing the economic state of the country appear, and here, in addition to the generally accepted GDP, etc., new measures enter the arena, which are no less important and clearly influence the economic indicators of the country. The work of the prominent Russian scientist Alexander Auzan formed the basis of this study. For ten years, he and his colleagues conducted field research, studying this area of science, gave a course of lectures at Moscow State University for students from several dozen faculties, and as a result of his research, the book “Sociocultural Economics” and the work “Cultural Code of Economics” were published. Of course, his field of interest was the Russian economy. As a scientist and citizen, he was tormented for many years by the question: why was it that first the USSR, and then Russia, were able to create various types of bombs, a satellite, a spaceship, but could not make consumer goods competitive and develop high-tech enterprises? Why is a country that has huge raw material resources not advanced? We ask ourselves the same question. Why can’t Kazakhstan, having the opportunity, rise in economic terms? Why was culture treated without due attention in economics? Economics as a science also gradually came to understand that this world is complex and requires additional study. Of course, his works also arose not only as a result of field research, but also from an analysis of the works of such theorists as: M. Weber, Douglas North, S. Huntington, A. Smith, J. Wallis, B. Weingast, etc. A correct understanding of all the mechanisms occurring in society will help not only every citizen of our country, but also people who have to make decisions for the general well-being of Kazakhstan.



How to Cite

Әйтімбет Л.І., & Жаксыбай А. (2024). THE CULTURAL CODE OF THE ECONOMY OF KAZAKHSTAN. BULLETIN of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL Series “International Relations and Regional Studies”, 56(2).


